
Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs! Today, I want to dive deep into a topic that many aspiring entrepreneurs have grappled with at some point in their journey – the imposter syndrome. Yep, that nagging feeling that whispers in your ear, “You’re not good enough. You don’t belong here” even when you have tasted success. Trust me, I’ve been there, and it’s time we address it head-on. In this blog, we’ll take a look at imposter syndrome in entrepreneurs while learning ways to overcome imposter syndrome. 

Imposter syndrome is like the unwelcome guest at the entrepreneurial party. It sneaks in when you least expect it, casting doubt on your skills and achievements. But here’s the thing: It’s all smoke and mirrors. Imposter syndrome thrives on fear and self-doubt, but it’s not based in reality. You are capable, worthy, and deserving of success – irrespective of the mindless chatter going on deep within.

But before we delve deeper into overcoming imposter syndrome, let’s understand the root cause which are limiting beliefs. What are they, you ask? Well, limiting beliefs are those sneaky little unhelpful thoughts that hold us back from reaching our full potential. They’re the stories we tell ourselves (repeatedly) about who we are and what we’re capable of, often based on past experiences or societal conditioning and often hold us back.

For example, let’s say you grew up hearing messages like “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “you have to work hard to succeed.” These beliefs can create a scarcity mindset, leading you to believe that opportunities are scarce and success is reserved for the lucky few.

Or perhaps you’ve experienced failure in the past, and now you believe that you’re destined to fail no matter what you do. This belief can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, sabotaging your efforts and preventing you from taking risks.

Other common limiting beliefs include:

  • “I’m not smart/talented/creative enough.”
  • “I don’t have enough experience/education/resources.”
  • “I’m not worthy of success/happiness/love.”
  • “I’ll never be able to [add your goal or dream here].”

Understanding Imposter Syndrome 

Imposter syndrome (IS) is a psychological phenomenon characterized by feelings of self-doubt, inadequacy, and fear of being exposed as a fraud, particularly among high-achieving individuals. Despite evidence of their accomplishments and abilities, individuals experiencing imposter syndrome struggle to internalize their success, leading to persistent feelings of anxiety, depression, and apprehension. 

Sound familiar? We’ve all been there. We have all held on to those limiting beliefs. But here’s the good news: Limiting beliefs are just that—beliefs. And beliefs can be changed. It’s all about shifting your perspective and rewriting the stories you tell yourself.  It’s all about the Mindset Makeovers that we need.

When you do succeed at something, these unhelpful limiting beliefs crop back into the mind. So, how do we kick imposter syndrome to the curb? Let’s break it down!

8 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as an Entrepreneur

1) Acknowledge Your Inner Critic: The first step in overcoming imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs is to recognize when that pesky inner critic starts to rear its head. Pay attention to the negative self-talk and limiting beliefs that hold you back. Awareness is the first step toward change.

2) Challenge Your Beliefs: Take a closer look at those self-limiting beliefs and ask yourself: Are they really true? Or are they just stories we’ve been telling ourselves? Spoiler alert: They’re usually just stories. Challenge those beliefs with evidence to the contrary. You are not an imposter; you are a capable, talented entrepreneur.

3) Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself, my friend. We’re all human, and we all make mistakes. Instead of beating yourself up over perceived failures or shortcomings, practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend in need.

4) Celebrate Your Wins: It’s easy to focus on what we haven’t accomplished rather than celebrating our successes. Make a habit of acknowledging your wins, big and small. Whether it’s landing a new client, reaching a sales milestone, or simply getting out of bed and showing up for yourself, celebrate the heck out of it. I recently celebrated my small wins with a treat at a local place indulging in my all-time favourite food – Chaats (Sev puri).

Hold faith in yourself

5) Surround Yourself with Support: You don’t have to go it alone. Surround yourself with a supportive network of fellow entrepreneurs, mentors, and coaches who lift you up and cheer you on. They’ll remind you of your worth when you need it most.

6) Embrace Vulnerability: Here’s a secret: Vulnerability is not a weakness; it’s a superpower. Embrace your imperfections and authenticity, and watch as imposter syndrome loses its grip. When we show up as our true selves, flaws and all, we create genuine connections and opportunities for growth.

7) Set Realistic Expectations: Entrepreneurship is a journey, not a sprint. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your business, and remember that success takes time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a successful business. Trust the process and keep moving forward. Please ignore the motivational “How I grew my business XXXX times in 7 days” posts that often add pressure and create unrealistic expectations.

8) Seek Professional Help if Needed: Sometimes, overcoming imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs requires the support of a professional. If self-doubt is impacting your mental health or hindering your ability to thrive, don’t hesitate to seek help. For future-focused coaching, you can write to me. If you have deep-rooted issues, please consult a certified counselor.

Did You Know? According to a study conducted by KPMG, an astonishing 75% of women experience imposter syndrome at some point in their careers. This pervasive phenomenon can be particularly prevalent among female entrepreneurs, who often face unique challenges and societal expectations in the business world.

How does Coaching Support a Mindset Makeover?

Coaching plays a pivotal role in addressing and resolving imposter syndrome. A qualified mindset coach can provide invaluable support and guidance to individuals struggling with self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Through personalized coaching sessions, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying causes of their imposter syndrome and develop effective strategies for challenging negative thought patterns and building self-confidence. Coaches offer a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to explore their feelings and experiences, empowering them to recognize their worth and embrace their unique strengths and talents. With the help of coaching, individuals can break free from the grip of imposter syndrome and unleash their full potential in both their personal and professional lives.

Remember, dear entrepreneur, you are not alone in this journey. We all face moments of doubt and insecurity, but it’s how we respond to those moments that defines us. So, let’s kick imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs to the curb, embrace our authenticity, and show the world what we’re made of. You’ve got this!

Until next time, keep shining bright!

Kashmira Lad (ICF-PCC)
Mindset Coach & founder at CheerleadHer.

Are you still holding doubts and would like to overcome imposter syndrome? As an ICF-certified Mindset Coach, I can help you rebrand yourself with our Mindset Makeover Programs. I also offer individual coaching sessions. Write to me at for details. Join group programs at my newly launched site –


Author: Kashmira Lad

Indian Fashion Blogger with a Focus on Women Empowerment, Fashion and Wellness for Women.  

2 Replies to “Mindset Makeovers – Unmasking Imposter Syndrome in Entrepreneurs”

  1. Unleashing Your Inner Warrior | Kashmira Lad | Indian Blogger | Bangalore Blogger | ICF Coach says: May 7, 2024 at 6:04 pm

    […] our lives. As humans, we face unique challenges and pressures—societal expectations, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and the relentless pursuit of perfection. These battles can leave us feeling drained, lost, and […]

  2. 10 Tips for Building a Successful Business for Women - Explore Mastery says: June 29, 2024 at 9:24 pm

    […] way to overcome imposter syndrome is to focus on your achievements and the value you bring to your business. Take the time to […]


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