
Work-from-home in India wasn’t always a norm with most companies (except a couple of big giants) showing a preference to their employees being seated at the desk. As a full-time working professional, I’ve often felt the need for a mini-break during the week when I didn’t have to rush to work as a routine. This mini-break was only about saving time that is spent traveling through traffic because in cities like Bangalore, traffic is often the common issue.

The coronavirus pandemic definitely showed that work-from-home without distractions is possible and certain industries can continue the strategy for a couple of job profiles. Work-from-home however, can be a great option if you manage to separate your duties and set boundaries for self and others.

Now that getting dressed for work is no longer a requirement, how does one cope with work-from-home and still look and feel professional? There are ways to beat the work-from-home monotony while being at home.

Why Dressing up for your Work-from-home Routine is Important

1) You feel more “at work”

I am the kind of person who prefers planning the attire before a meeting at work. This saved me time when I had to rush to work and go through traffic in a full-time job. Working from home gets you in the comfort zone so pyjamas and T-shirts are the most preferred attire for many unless there is a video call! I apply the same principle as I did before to get ready at work while being at home. This means I plan my look to save time, and go through my home duties and office duties with effortless ease.

It’s time to move away from the pyjamas to make way for professional dressing. You can opt for lightweight shirts worn with trousers or skirts. Making a plan also gets you in the “office routine” while you get the feel of being at work. 

2) Keeps you focussed

I’m sure many of you have let the lines at work and home blur into a chaos. The thing about dressing up at home for work is sending a signal to yourself – this is your work time. While many women may struggle to maintain a strict discipline, it’s ok to be a little flexible. However, dressing up acts as a reminder that you need to focus, have assignments to complete, and you can keep a different time zone for your home duties. It changes your mindset so you can adapt to your workspace – be it a corner near the kitchen or a separate table to yourself.

3)  Boosts your mood

As I write this, I have worn my crop top and pants and this has boosted my mood. We’ve all been self-isolated in the lockdown and dressing up for a work-from-home routine gives us a break from the routine work. This works if you dress up soon after you finish your morning routine. It gives a break from the monotony of the day while making you feel bright and happy! I’d suggest brushing on your favorite lipstick to complete the look.

A routine is one of the most important things for a work-from-home culture.

Having a routine gives you a sense of direction towards planning your today and making that smart move from work to home in a work-from-home atmosphere. 

Tips for Work-for-Home Attire

  • Always invest in good tops (you have a lot of online meetings now!)
  • Wear light-weight fabric – this works if you prefer to be seated in a natural surrounding and don’t want to feel discomfort in the heat 
  • Flaunt colors that make you stand out from the background – this is useful in video calls where your lighting may be dull (add virtual background if required.)
  • Always think about the piling up laundry though! Remember to mix and match, create multiple looks and go easy on the laundry load.


Author: Kashmira Lad

Indian Fashion Blogger with a Focus on Women Empowerment, Fashion and Wellness for Women.  

One Reply to “Why Mastering your Work-from-Home Attire during Lockdown is Important!”

  1. How to Balance Productivity and Rest when you work from home | Kashmira Lad | Indian Fashion Blogger says: December 1, 2020 at 10:28 am

    […] blog for more. Did you know that dressing up for a work-from-home model is important? Read more here.  Here are some self-care […]


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