As the month of May is almost ending, I thought I'd blog about the one thing I enjoy most in India - street style shopping for beautiful summer dresses! The…
As the month of May is almost ending, I thought I'd blog about the one thing I enjoy most in India - street style shopping for beautiful summer dresses! The…
Oh, yes! All my favorite stories began in this manner during my childhood days. 'Once upon a time', and ended with a 'happily ever after'. But then, does life bring…
Body shaming (when targetted towards children) can lead to a severe identity problem early on. This leads to a lack of confidence at every stage of life, hampering their personal and professional goals. This blog is about a genuine experience about my childhood days and a topic that is close to my heart. If you've liked it, please hit the Like and Share button and I will be thankful!
This blog has been selected as one of the best entries for the contest organized by Women's Web and FlintoBox. Happy reading! As I watched over the children prancing merrily…
Being a localite in Goa, India for over 20 years has it's plus points. You are always on a holiday! However, one does need bread and butter (and jam in…