
The New Year has already begun. We have all promised to be the best versions of ourselves, haven’t we? As a shopaholic, I am sure we all have our problem-areas of a closet full of clothes that is almost bursting at its seams. It’s time we take a closer look at this habit that is damaging to our finances as well as the environment.

This year , it’s all about letting go. Letting go of what I don’t wear, don’t need and embracing sustainable fashion. Fashion with a purpose, fashion that makes sense.

Tips to Declutter your Wardrobe

Take a Stock of your Closet

I am always an organised person despite the clutter at home. I keep my dresses together in a stack so I know what I want when I have to wear it. My jeans are folded in one corner. My clothes are categorised as per the purpose. Yet, there’s a clutter here!

What I suggest: Make a list. Yeah, I am one of those people! A list must include how many categories of clothing you have – party, formals, those days when you haven’t waxed, those days when you feel quirky, and what not!

How many outfits are lying untouched?

A quick look at your list will actually makes things clear. That dress you’ve been waiting to wear for ages but haven’t really come down to wearing, that ensemble you bought in a sale because it was well, on sale! We’ve all been there so it is ok to feel a pang of guilt. I’m sure you are getting what exactly I want to say!

What I suggest: Quickly sort your clothes from what you need and what you haven’t worn in two separate piles.

What do you honestly need?

Now that we have assessed your wardrobe, you surely know what works for you and what doesn’t. So, how do you feel about the pile of clothes lying there on the bed? The pile that you haven’t worn? If that pile of clothing is huge, you have to think about the way you shop. The endless hoarding of clothes, the amount of money invested…all that seems frivolous indeed!

Can we re-use the same clothing and give it a new twist?

Yes, of course, you can! I just cut off my denims to turn them into a pair of shorts. A couple of fancy tops I wasn’t using have been turned into cushion covers. Well, yeah, those aren’t exactly matching, but my house, my rules!

How do I control my urge to shop?

Difficult one there! So, I tested myself last weekend. I had been to the mall in pursuit of a foundation. I tried on many outfits that caught my eye. I almost bought a dress I didn’t need. How did I realise that? Well, I wore it and waited for a while before I took the final call. Do I need it? Where will I wear it? These and many questions made me put it back at the counter.

Why let go?

You need to let go to declutter your life from the things you do not need.

How important is sustainable clothing?

Eco-friendly clothing or sustainable clothing has certainly caught on in the recent times. It’s about wearing clothing that is made from eco-friendly resources. We often buy labels blindly without checking where our outfit is being sourced from. Is the company abiding by the rules? We rarely ask those questions.

Organic cotton, linen, jute, hemp, and such others are examples of eco-friendly fibres. While there’s a counter view on the fact that not a single garment can be entirely eco-friendly, I think taking a first step in this direction is important.

The more we buy, the more we generate trash in the landfill. Do we want to clutter the environment with more trash?

Now, shopping happens in the comfort of your home, so a quick Google search will help to locate brands that produce comfortable clothing that care for our environment. ‘The Independent’ listed some top brands here.

I found one more named WearPact. This website has some comfortable clothing for daily wear that is kind to the environment.

The choice is yours entirely. Make it a right one.






Author: Kashmira Lad

Indian Fashion Blogger with a Focus on Women Empowerment, Fashion and Wellness for Women.  

2 Replies to “The Fine Art of Letting it Go to Manage your Fashion Wardrobe”

  1. Fashion Recycled: Little Black Dress (1st Look) – Kashmira Lad says: March 13, 2018 at 3:45 pm

    […] is a more than just a trend for me. Which is why I had a post on decluttering your wardrobe a while ago. We keep buying things we don’t want and chuck them away for various reasons. […]

  2. Fashion Recycled: Little Black Dress (1st Look) – ©Shopping in Stilettos says: March 14, 2018 at 7:01 pm

    […] is a more than just a trend for me. Which is why I had a post on decluttering your wardrobe a while ago. We keep buying things we don’t want and chuck them away for various reasons. […]


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